杜琦芳,自幼酷爱书画艺术,多年来为书画事业孜孜不倦,勇于开拓创新,多幅作品在全国书画大赛中获奖,并脱颖而出,得到业界以及专家和评委老师们的高度认可, 中学毕业后担任幼师工作,曾在广州美术学院进修.师从多位大师。学习中国画和油画。1990 一2008 旅居巴拿马。作品多次在当地报纸刊载:,并多
杜琦芳,自幼酷爱书画艺术,多年来为书画事业孜孜不倦,勇于开拓创新,多幅作品在全国书画大赛中获奖,并脱颖而出,得到业界以及专家和评委老师们的高度认可, 中学毕业后担任幼师工作,曾在广州美术学院进修.师从多位大师。学习中国画和油画。1990 一2008 旅居巴拿马。作品多次在当地报纸刊载:,并多次接受巴拿马电视台播岀。回国后作品受中国北京图书馆刊载并收藏,各地方报社采纳 ,《名人辞典中国名人大数据库》等辞书多种收录。多幅作品被海内外著名知名人士、书画院、拍卖机构、收藏家、以及爱好者青睐收藏,其作品升值空间巨大。目前仍然沉浸在艺术事业的长河之中。不忘初心的为艺术事业献身,弘扬中华文化,传递正能量。
Du Qifang has been passionate about the art of calligraphy and painting since childhood, and has been tirelessly dedicated to the cause of calligraphy and painting for many yearsPioneering and innovating, multiple works have won awards and stood out in the national calligraphy and painting competition, gaining recognition in the industryHighly recognized by experts and judges, he/she worked as a preschool teacher after graduating from high schoolContinuing education at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, under the guidance of multiple masters. Learn Chinese painting and oil painting. 1990
2008 Resided in Panama. The work has been published multiple times in local newspapers and has received Panama Telegram multiple timesBroadcast on TV. After returning to China, the works were published and collected by the Beijing Library in China, and collected by local newspapers
There are various dictionaries including "The Dictionary of Celebrities" and "The Great Database of Chinese Celebrities".
Multiple works have been created by renowned figures, calligraphy and painting academies, auction houses, collectors at home and abroad
And enthusiasts are fond of collecting, and their works have huge potential for appreciation. Currently, I am still immersed in the long river of the art industry. Devoting oneself to the cause of art without forgetting one's original intention, promoting Chinese culture, and transmitting righteousness Energy.